The dinosaur theme is intentional. When a podcast turns four it is officially ancient. Travel Radio Podcast started at a time when the average person had no idea what a podcast was. I would have to convince guests to join me and explain why it was good for their business.

Now, I am happy to report I have more potential guests than I have time and bandwidth to record. I will give it the ole' college try though. I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has lent me their story and expertise. The success of this travel podcast is not my own; it's share by and powered by you. Thank you all.
There have been times that I wanted to throw in the towel but you have encouraged me.
You have guest hosted my podcast while I moved across an ocean.
You have engaged with my children and fostered their desires to explore.
We have become friends and that is the thing that matters most.
I like to brag that my guests are the best. I don't say that lightly. You are all the best. In fact, I'm amazing an internet stalking... so before you came on this travel podcast I checked you out. Lookin' good folks! I can't wait until we can record again! Blessings to you all and to the strong return of the industry we love,
Megan Chapa
Host Travel Radio Podcast