A Luxury Drive, Fly and Wine Through Michigan.

Wine Towers, an American Monarch and Boodling...
Don't over look this incredible American destination set along emerald waters. Call that horse shuttle and start exploring!
This episode starts in the southern most point of our adventure in Traverse City. Eat all the tart cherry delicacies you can stomach and wash it down with a flight of local wine straight out of your personal wine tower. Yes, wine towers are a thing and they should be universally available! Walk this all off with lake side hiking. Maybe you will lay your head down for the night in the lighthouse!

Headed north we explore the luxury destination of Petoskey. Then by plane and horse to two islands, Beaver Island and Mackinac (read mack-in-aw) Island. One is rustic with great hiking and Irish cuisine. The other is a glamorous snap shot in time with strict regulation of the use of cars.
This is just skimming the surface of my interview with travel writer Katy Spratte Joyce. It truly does not do right by Michigan to summarize like this. Give a listen, gain a new appreciation and the go purchase some Michigan wine to hold you over until your own trip!
You can't miss this one. This is a road trip to plan out NOW.
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